An interconnected family of supernovas burning bright in the night sky: take a moment, reach out—join us.
after the snow, before the angel
Makenna Dykstra
a billboard on the highway reads everything
you can imagine is real
an affirmation that reality makes itself
in perception and that falling in love is
vertigo of the soul i’ve noticed that all aliens
are humanoid in not so many words
skeletal wafting breaths a soul disguised
under weathered topography as if the color green
ever left room for desire or the universe
has so little possibilities as to leave
all life in prototypical form but we’re live
anyway in the birthplace of capital letters
and severed heads or faulty parking brakes
teach me something
about hubris the sound a deer makes
when it doesn’t realize it’s lit up
by midnight it crossed the street it’s alive
the bloodless pavement otherwise missing
in motion unscathed to watch something
become miraculous is a practice in outwaiting
god i imagine it’s real it’s iron
bending it’s grasses grasses and cow
paddies and lopsided eyes looking
when tipped sideways water fills all
hollowed out pockets loves the rough
draft and claims a dried up wash even
in winter carry the flow hold the river two
cupped hands imagining an ocean a flood
About the Author
Makenna Dykstra (she/her) is finishing her M.A. in English Literature at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. She loves pennies, purple skies, pink ice cream, and bagels. She can sometimes be found on Twitter @makdykstra.